Lan Na is the name of a conglomerate of Thai city-states
which, mostly under the leadership of the city-state Chiang Mai, covered about the area of
modern north Thailand between the 13th and 16th centuries and extended its influence far into the
neighbouring regions. The Brief History gives concise information
on main events, situations and development trends from the beginnings
to the present. The writing of Lan Na's history is still in its
infancy; much is as yet unknown. This volume is a step towards
developing a fuller history of the region.
Hans Penth, is a philologist-historian, and a specialist
in northern Thai history. Working since 1965 at Chiang Mai University, he founded its Archive of
Lan Na inscriptions, and has nearly 100 scholarly publications to his credit.
(ISBN 974-7047-29-2, vi, 74 pp, 31 b/w photographs,
1 map, 145x215 mm, Baht 125.00)
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