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Books on Laos

We also have rare and out-of-print books on Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, and Cambodia.





by Bassenne, Marthe

US$ 17.50
Book order code :
E 21 751




This diary describes the adventures and observations of a French woman during a trip up the Mekong to Luang-Prabang and back through Siam. At the end of 1909 the territorial situation in Indochina was largely consolidated and Marthe Bassenne's book provides a first glimpse of the extent of the French efforts to open up the eagerly fought-over hinterland of Tonkin, Annam and Cochinchina. The Mekong and the Lao jungles were as wild and as deadly as ever and this trip to experience the New Year festivities in Luang-Prabang is full of adventures with local people and wild nature. On the way back, through the northeastern Siamese provinces of Nongkhai, Uttaradit and Phitsanuloke the feelings of the indigenous people towards a French woman, are faithfully recorded. For, while this book is factually correct in its details, it is so much the richer for its emphasis on impressions and personal feelings of one of the rare woman travelers in this part of the Far East. The beautiful original photographs of the first edition overwhelm the reader and immerse him in a wild world long forgotten . . . jungles and natural resources that are today, once again, ready to be developed.

(Bangkok 1995, First English translation from 1912) ISBN 974-8496-29-5
144 pp., illus., 145 x 210 mm, pbk.




: Cambodia, laos and Yunnan

by Carnee, Louis de

US$ 27.00
Book order code : E 21 765



This book is a report of the most famous expedition in Indochina, i.e., the exploration of the Mekong as a trade route and as a route to build political influence in Indochina. This French official mission toiled under duress for two years, losing its commander on the way, and it made, for the first time, a systematic description of the great river and its surrounding peoples and natural resources. Louis de Carné was the representative of the French Minister of Foreign Affairs and in charge of writing the trade and political report on the findings of the Commission. The book does more than that as it takes up the history of particular areas in some detail to place the French prospects for gaining influence in perspective. Illustrated with original sketches, many of which were made by L. Delaporte, another member of the mission, this book is essential reading for all those who seek to understand the background of today's geo-political changes and the new attempts to tap the rich sources of the river, its tributary valleys, and its peoples.

(Bangkok 1995, repr. from 1869) ISBN 974-8496-31-7
417 pp., 27 pp. illus., 1 folded map, 150 x 215 mm, pbk.




: A World Under the Canopy

by Chazee, Laurent

US$ 22.50
Book order code :
E 22 233



This ethnologic study presents the first published information on the Mrabri living in Laos collected during two years of preservation, development, and research activities. There are currently less than 400 living Mrabri distributed between northern Thailand and the Lao PDR. The Mrabri have been studied in Thailand since 1919, but on the Lao side of the border no research was conducted until 1999. As of now there are only 28 Mrabri alive in the Lao PDR, with 22 of them maintaining their nomadic way of life in the primary forest of Sayabury Province. For the Mrabri the most important values are freedom and peace in the forest, and food availability. In recent history, the main enemies were human factors such as military events and misunderstandings, floods, illnesses, accidents and tigers.

(Bangkok 2001) ISBN 974-7534-61-4
106 pp., 36 pp. color illus., 1 map, 210 x 290 mm, pbk.




: Rural and Ethnic Diversities

by Chazee, Laurant

US$ 32.50
Book order code : E 22 074



This book is the first comprehensive study conducted in Laos combining research on ethnic culture and indigenous values and the present socio-economic development. The 132 identified ethnic groups and sub-groups belong to the four linguistic families represented in Laos: Tai, Austroasiatic, Miao-Yao, and Sino-Tibetan. For each linguistic family, a detailed case study shows the ethno-linguistic specificity, as well as the institutional and socio-economic com-plexity. 132 maps give the geographic distribution of each group in Laos, while a large folded map shows the national linguistic and ethnic distribution pattern. For 56 ethnic groups and sub-groups, pictures cover people, habitat, agro-ecosystems, production systems and ethnic-related activities and handicrafts. This publication describes the peoples' diversity in the rural areas of Laos during the period 1992-1999. Specifically, the research, based on inter-disciplinary and participatory approaches-historical, ethno-linguistic, institutional, religious and natural resource management diversities of the rural communities-was conducted for a better understanding of the values and organizations of the rural communities. In the current period of world globalization, with the persistent challenge of poverty reduction through human development and gender issues, this study highlights great people and rural mosaics, and the still retained authenticity of Laos. If this cultural richness is not understood and preserved, several positive and environmentally friendly indigenous groups will continue to lose ground, sometimes at great social and environmental cost. This work contributes to a better knowledge of the indigenous values and systems of the ethnic groups, who are, or should be, the key partners and decision-makers in conceiving and implementing socio-economic development programs.

(Bangkok 1999) ISBN 974-8434-86-9
200 pp., illus., 70 pp. color illus., 1 folded map in pocket, 210 x 290 mm, pbk.




: The Pavie Mission Indochina Papers (1879-1895)
Vol. 6

by Cupet, P.

US$ 26.50
Book order code :
E 22 189


Travels in Laos and among the Tribes of Southeast Indochina is the sixth part of The Pavie Mission Indochina Papers (1879-1895). It provides an overview of exploration work done in parts of Central Laos and on the borders of Laos with Cambodia and Vietnam, parts of French Indochina. The various itineraries in Laos cover the search for passages between the Mekong and the Vietnamese coast, the country of the Puan people and territories inhabited by tribes which were either under Vietnam's or Siam's suzerainty or called themselves independent. The book also documents lifestyles and customs of various Moi, Bahnar, Djiarai, Sedang and other primitive tribes. Some of these forgotten ethnic groups had already been visited by French Catholic missionaries who contributed valuable ethnic data to the reports of the Pavie Mission. The explorations were often politically motivated and resulted in French occupation of territories belonging to the primitive tribes of southern Laos and Vietnam. Volume 2 of this series, Atlas of the Pavie Mission, contains a score of maps accom-panying these explorations of then unexplored territory.

(Bangkok 2000; First English translation of 1900) ISBN 974-7534-83-4
458 pp., 40 pp. illus., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.




: Cambodia, Laos and Yunnan

by Delaporte, Louis & Garnier, Francis

US$ 55.50
Book order code : E 21865

Reprinted from 1998 in Larger Format


In this third part of the Mekong Exploration Commission Report, 1866–1868, published as an over sized volume with numerous splendid color plates and four maps, the journey along the Mekong is retraced using plates not published in the two other volumes on the Mekong Expedition as well as by masterfully drawn color plates of tribal costumes from the regions the Commission passed through. This volume graphically supplements the descriptive reports of the Commission’s work and can be read fruitfully in its own right as a journey along the Old Mekong.

(Bangkok, 2006) Bar Code 978-974-4800-79-4
225 pp., fully illus., 42 pp. in color, 250 x 290 mm, pbk.




: "No Cola, Pepsi Only"

by Foo Check Teck

US$ 12.50
Book order code :
E 22 245



This is a light-hearted yet serious view of Laos through the eyes of a Singaporean visiting Vientiane to impart the intricacies of finance to officials at the ?cole Nationale de Politique. Cultural differences, teaching methods, culinary delights and the ?cole Nationale de Politique are part of the journey of discovery, as are the smiling people-smiling despite their lack of affluence and personal comforts to which Singaporeans are used.

(Bangkok 2001)
114 pp., illus., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.




: Vol. 2 of the Mekong Exploration Commission Report (1866-1868)

by Garnier, Francis

US$ 30.00
Book order code : E 21 864


This second volume contains the report of the Commission's travels in Upper Laos and in Yunnan. It ended with the return of the Commisson via China and reports on the dramatic Muslim uprising in Southern China. Several attempts to identify trade routes on the Mekong by the Commission's most famous member, Francis Garnier, are also included in the report.

(Bangkok 1996, first English translation from 1869-71) ISBN 974-8496-75-9
301 pp., 30 black & white illus., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.




: Vol. 1 of the Mekong Exploration Commission Report (1866-1868)

by Garnier, Francis

US$ 27.50
Book order code :
E 21 863


Travels in Cambodia and Part of Laos is the first part of the Mekong Exploration Commission Report (1866-1868), one of the most important expeditions sent to the Indo-China region to explore trade routes. The French expedition compiled a wealth of new information, drew maps, and produced a substantial number of engravings of Laos. It ended in Luang Prabang where the Commission stayed some months. While the original objective to ascertain that the Mekong River could be used as a trade route between Yunnan and the Delta was not achieved, the Commission's political and socio-economic information was invaluable for France's expansion in Indochina. A new map of Indochina as surveyed by the Commission is included in this book.

(Bangkok 1996, first English translation from 1869-71)ISBN 974-8496-73-2
370 pp., 43 black & white illus., 140 x 210 mm, 1 folded map, pbk.





by Gunn, Geoffrey C.

US$ 22.50
Book order code :
E 22 439



This is the first detailed history of the origins of communism, ethno-nationalism and nationalism in the former French colony. Communism first took root in Laos under Vietnamese auspices in 1930, the year Ho Chi Minh's Indochinese Communist Party was founded. Anti-French nationalism under the Lao Issara banner subsequently emerged in the shadow of war and was greatly stimulated by the eclipse of French by Japanese power. As the French staged their bloody post-war restoration, the two tendencies in the anti-colonial struggle found common cause. But shunned by the international community in exile in the Thailand of Pridi Phanomyong, the Lao Issara withered. While seeking a guerilla rear-base in Vietnam, the Pathet Lao tendency found willing sponsorship from the Viet Minh in a trans-national relationship. At home the Pathet Lao went from strength to strength drawing upon age-old grievances of the minorities in the highlands. But it was not until the Geneva Conference on Indochina in 1954 that the Pathet Lao gained recognition in the Kingdom of Laos as legitimate actors in the nation's political processes. In a preliminary chapter the author sketches the country's pre-colonial and early colonial history while the political, military and diplomatic context surrounding the Pathet Lao triumph in 1975 is outlined in a concluding section.

(Bangkok, 2005) ISBN 974-4800-63-1
382 pp., 6 pp. illus. 3 maps, 150 x 210 mm, pbk.





by Gunn, Geoffrey C.

US$ 22.50
Book order code : E 22 018



This overview ranges across the history, sociology, politics and economy of this small landlocked kingdom turned People's Republic. Theravadins stand for the majority Lao Loum Buddhist population. Commissars stand for the soldier-bureaucrats who struggled to rebuild Laos in a communist mould. Colonialists stand as a metaphor for the French, and their American successors, who supported the kingdom in the long civil war against Cold War adversaries. Once a synonym for war and revolution, Laos today is a nation struggling to take its place in the prosperity of the ASEAN economies. However, the question of how the communist Pathet Lao movement triumphed against all adversity, remains unanswered. After the victory, the question arises of how successful the first generations of communist rulers have been in managing this country, even by their own standards? This book weaves together a number of threads in the endeavor to answer these and other questions. The book is divided in five parts: Facts and Theory; anti-Colonial Stirrings; Civil War; Men who Make History; State, Nation and Army and Problems of Development. An overview of recent research and suggestions for the way forward concludes the book. While the book forms a unity, the essays stand alone and may be read as parallel histories in their own right.

(Bangkok 1998) ISBN 974-8434-39-7
290 pp., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.




: Journeys to the Boloven Plateau, from Bassac to Hue Through Laos, and to the Origins of the Thai

by Harmand, F. J.

US$ 22.50
Book order code : 21 952


A report of explorations undertaken in Laos and present-day Vietnam by one of the main architects of French expansion in Southeast Asia. For the first part of his explorations, Dr. Francois Jules Harmand concentrated his journey of early 1877 on exploring the Boloven Plateau. His attention was focused especially on natural history and on the tribes living in this area. The second part of his exploration brought him to river valleys in Central Laos and the country of the Pou Thay, the original stock of the Thais, with the objective of finding a route from Bassac on the Mekong to Hué on the Vietnamese coast. The value of his observations on nature, people and political relations is only surpassed by the intrinsic value of this account as an example of nineteenth century French colonialists at work.

(Bangkok 1997, first English translation from 1878-9) ISBN 974-8496-99-6
292 pp., illus., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.




: Hill Peasants in French Inodochina

by Izikowitz, Karl Gustav

US$ 22.50
Book order code :
E 22 241


This classic account of field work was written by a famous anthropologist in the late 1930s. Izikowitz studied this remote Mon-Khmer group living in northern Laos. The account of most aspects of this society and culture is outstanding in this comprehensive documentation of the Lamet's relationship with their environment, shifting cultivation and its ritual aspects, and the use of wild forest produce.The monograph includes a discussion on kinship, which in the world of Rodney Needham was Karl Gustav Izikowitz's "singular contribution to the comparative study of alliance and classification."

(Bangkok 2001) ISBN 974-7534-85-1
388 pp., illus., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.





by Kaosa-ard, Mingsarn and John Dore

US$ 25.00
Book order code : E 22 341



Mekong peoples-despite past and present differences, within and between countries - are increasingly connected via challenges which transcend state borders. A Mekong Region is increasingly becoming a reality encompassing the territory, ecosystems, people, economies and politics of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and China's Yunnan Province.This book provides local writers' perspectives on a wide range of significant, often related, social challenges. They discuss, in a Mekong Region context: international economic integration, the rise of transnational civil society, the relationships between Mekong states and external powers, changing geopolitics, poverty, government policies affecting ethnic minorities, gender inequity, industrialization, labor migration, human rights, HIV/AIDS and drug use, biotechnology impacts on agriculture, uplands land use, fisheries disputes, access to natural resources, state approaches to sustainable development, and the governance of Mekong River and regional infrastructure 'development' projects. Neatly summarizing this diversity is neither possible nor desirable. However, one message is clear, Mekong Region challenges require a wider spectrum of regional perspectives to be heard, more learning and, to an extent.

(Chiang Mai, 2003)
457 pp., 190 x 245 mm, pbk.





by Kerr, Allen D.

US$ 50.00
Book order code :
E 21 617


Originally published in 1972 by the Catholic University of America Press in two volumes. This is the second printing in one volume.

(Bangkok 1992) ISBN 974-8495-69-8
1,238 pp., 155 x 210 mm




: The Fate of the Sip Song Pana and Muong Sing (1894-1896)

by Lefèvre, Emile

US$ 22.50
Book order code :
E 21 809


Written by a member of the famous Pavie Mission, this book describes a dramatic episode in the tale of French conquests in Indochina. The rivalry of British imperialism and French colonial activists, mostly operating from their Indochinese base in Saigon, reached its culmination when the Asian possessions of the superpowers met in Upper Laos. Several small states that had been able to preserve their relative independence by paying tribute to virtually all regional powers, were finally caught up in the endgame of colonial expansion. France was to be the victor this time and formerly neutral states such as Muong Sing, the Hua Pan Tang Ha Tang Hoc, the Sip Song Chu Tai and the Sip Song Pana, with their semi-independent rulers, were to disappear, to become present-day Laos and part of Vietnam. The story unfolds amidst the wild landscapes and fertile valleys of Upper Laos where, for centuries, different peoples, all with their particular customs, dress and languages, had fought each other for control of the land and the trade routes. The mission and Dr. Lefèvre spared no effort to travel the country back and forth until finally a Franco-British agreement settled the border and also the fate of the peoples. In many cases, Dr. Lefèvre was the first white man the tribes saw and he, in turn, was the last man to see their authentic life styles.

(Bangkok 1995, first English translation from 1898) ISBN 974-8496-38-4
229 pp., 130 x 200 mm, pbk.




: The Pavie Mission Indochina Papers (1879-1895)
Vol. 5

by Lefèvre-Pontalis, Pierre

US$ 23.50
Book order code : E 22 166


The fifth part of The Pavie Mission Indochina Papers (1879-1895). The book provides an overview of exploration work done in the upper part of Laos and on the borders of Laos and Vietnam, as parts of French Indochina, and British Burma and China. The various itineraries in Upper Laos cover western areas bordering the British, Chinese and Siamese possessions and constitute a preparation for a definitive settlement with the governments of British Burma and Yunnan, part of China. The maps produced by these professional topographers comprise important areas along the Mekong not yet surveyed until then, the roads towards Siam from Yunnan and Muong Sing and, in general, the Sip Song Pahn Na dependencies of Siam. The book also documents villages of various primitive Kha tribes and mixtures of various races living in this area covered with the mule trails of traders. The explorations were often politically motivated and resulted in the annexation of Muong Sing to French Indochina. Volume 2 of this series, Atlas of the Pavie Mission, contains the maps accompanying these explorations.

(Bangkok 2000; First English translation of 1902) ISBN 974-8434-79-6
402 pp., 80 pp. illus., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.




: The Pavie Mission Indochina Papers (1879-1895)
Vol. 4

by Malglaive, J. de & A.-J. Riviere

US$ 20.00
Book order code :
E 22 148


Written by two untiring French army explorers the fourth volume provides an overview of exploration work done in the Central parts of Laos and Vietnam. The various itineraries cover the area between Luang Prabang and Bassac on the Mekong and Vinh and Hué on the Vietnamese coast. The maps produced by these professional topographers comprise important river valleys only partially uncovered until then, the country of the Puan and the settlement areas of various primitive so-called Kha tribes of the plateaus and mountains covering the narrow strip of land between Siam (Thailand) and French Indochina. The explorations were carried out in the framework of the Mission Pavie and politically motivated. The itineraries during this part of the work were in particular geared to finding convenient access roads from the Mekong to the coast. Together with a series of maps and itineraries published in Volume 2 of the series, Atlas of the Pavie Mission, that guide the reader through these still relatively remote areas, period photographs provide images of tribes long gone and primitive virgin landscapes thoroughly changed by development.

(Bangkok 2000; First English translation of 1902) ISBN 974-8434-78-8
350 pp., 48 pp. illus., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.





by Marini, G. F. de

US$ 16.50
Book order code :
E 22 003



This account was written by the Italian Jesuit G. F. de Marini based on several sources, the most important of which was his colleague G. M. Leria who worked in Laos from 1642 to 1648. It is one of the few very early accounts of that kingdom available. Originally recorded in Italian and published in 1663, the descriptive parts of the account were published in French in 1666. They appear here for the first time in English. The account deals with the considerable riches and power of the Lao kingdom during this period. It provides information, recorded through the eyes of a Jesuit, on the religion, customs, livelihood and natural qualities of the Lao people and on the much talked about splendor of the Court and religious ceremonies in Laos.

(Bangkok 1998, first English translation from 1663) ISBN 974-8434-13-3
153 pp., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.





by Meyers, Dean

US$ 15.50
Book order code :
E 21 720




At the time of its first publication in 1879, this was the first record in English of the French penetration into Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia which led, within a few years, to French colonization of the region. Making extensive use of first-hand accounts, the anonymous author provides the essence of the major exploratory travels of the time. Discussed are: Henri Mouhot's pioneering 1860 account of his ascent of the middle and upper Mekong; Francis Garnier's bold exploration of Cambodia, Laos, Tonkin and Yunnan and Dr. A. Morice's peregrinations among the little-known towns of French Cochinchina. All the first-hand, full reports-in English translations-of these explorations are also available from White Lotus Press.

(Bangkok 1994, reprint from 1890) ISBN 974-8496-14-7
152 pp., 32 pp. illus., 145 x 210 mm, pbk.





by Mollerup, Asger

US$ 31.50 (without disk)
Book order code : E 22 275



This phrasebook is the first comprehensive book to teach the Thai, Isan, and Lao languages simultaneously. The book aims at: (1) beginners, who want to know the basics of the languages; (2) students who might know most of the vocabulary already, but want to learn to read and write and determine tones; (3) advanced students, who already know Thai and want to know Isan or Lao, and (4) the people of Isan, who want to read and write Lao, and the people of Laos, who want to read and write Thai.

(Bangkok 2001) ISBN 974-7534-88-6
237 pp., 210 x 290 mm, pbk.




: Revolution and Reeducation in Loas

by Nakhonkham Bouphanouvong

US$ 17.50
Book order code : E 22 350



This book is the account of the life of Nakhonkham Bouphannouvong, a Lao man who survived incarceration from 1975 to 1991 in the communist run reeducation camps located in the province of Huaphan in northeastern Laos. During that time he suffered through hard labor, torture and near starvation along with many other high-ranking royal Lao government and army pfficials, many of whom did not live to tell of their own experience. Prior to his imprisonment Nakhonkham endured three decades of civil war in Laos. He left the capital city of Vientiane and hhis life as a student behind in 1945 to join the nationalistic Lao Issara movement where he worked as a soldier, propagandist and writer through the 1950's. Nakhonkham later witnessed the Lao Issara's transformation in easter Laos into a full-fledge communist revolution. Not convinced by the communist rhetoric, he left to join the Neutralist faction formed in the early 1960's. With the Neutralist's demise not long after its formation, Nakhonkham found it necessary to join the royal Lao Government where he worked as an editor for several publications and eventually became a high-ranking police officer in vientiane. Having come full circle, by 1975 Nakhonkham found himself on the losing side of the civil war and lived in Laos as a political prisoner until emigrating to the United States in 1992.

(Bangkok, 2003) Bar Code 978-974-4800-35-0
284 pp., 4 pp. illus., 155 x 220 mm, pbk.




: With an Account of the Chinese Haw Invasion and Puan Resistance

by Neis, P.

US$ 23.50
Book order code :
E 21 951


A report of an exploration undertaken in 1882 in Upper Laos and the border areas between British Burma, China, Vietnam and Siam by Doctor Neis under the auspices of the French Minister of Public Education. Searching for knowledge about the local tribes and a commercially viable trade route from the Mekong valley to Annam or Tonkin (present-day Vietnam), Doctor Neis met the Puan people fleeing from armed Chinese Haw bandits who had destroyed the Puan kingdom and threatened to invade large parts of the valleys that are the Laotian tributaries to the Mekong. Doctor Neis found himself in dire straits, fleeing in his turn from the approaching Haw and eventually returning to Luang Prabang. He explored the Nam Ou valley in Central Laos and described the local customs. From Luang Prabang, he undertook the exploration of the Siamese vassal states in the present-day Golden Triangle, and, besides the flourishing opium trade, also found the British traders doing well. Descending through Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai, he provided a prophetic picture of expanding British interests and of the struggle between the local northern vassals and residents sent by the Bangkok government of King Chulalongkorn.

(Bangkok 1997, first English translation from 1884) ISBN 974-8496-89-9
158 pp., illus., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.





by Ovesen, Jan

US$ 14.50
Book order code :
I 6550


This report is the result of a short-term anthropological consultancy which formed part of the feasibility study for the future construction of a dam and hydroelectric power plant in a rather remote area of central Laos. The author concludes that in contrast to (anthro-pologists' opinion of) so many other development projects, the present project will have mainly beneficial effects on the local population. In one part of the project area the population pressure and consequent shortening of fallow periods make the continuation of swidden farming progressively less viable. The other part of the area consists of a flat plain where paddy cultivation dominates, and conditions for the further development of wet-rice agriculture are good. It is envisaged that the hydro-power project may directly or indirectly induce many of the swidden agriculturalists to move into the plain and become paddy farmers, which is both economically and ecologically prefereable.

(Bangkok 1999) 974-8434-72-9
88 pp., illus., 165 x 245 mm, pbk.



: Vol. 1 of the Pavie Mission Indochina Papers

by Pavie, Auguste

US$ 35.00
Book order code :
E 22 076


Volume 1 is the first part of The Pavie Mission Indochina Papers (1879-1895), written by Auguste Pavie himself it provides an overview of exploration work done in Cambodia, Siam, Laos and Tonkin. The various French expeditions, carried out by a score of prominent researchers under the name Mission Pavie, not only compiled a wealth of new scientific and historical information and details of natural history and drew up maps-especially of disputed border areas between Laos, Siam, Cambodia, Yunnan and Vietnam-they also produced political results serving the pro-colonial faction in France. This book contains short descriptions of numerous journeys made in Cambodia, the Great Tonle-Sap Lake district between Siam and Cambodia, the Mekong in Cambodia, North Siam and its border areas with Laos, East Laos and its border areas with Tonkin, present-day Vietnam, and the Laotian areas bordering the middle part of Vietnam, then Annam. Together with a series of maps and itineraries published in Volume 2 of the series, Atlas of the Pavie Mission, that guide the reader through these still relatively remote areas, period photographs create an image of the adventurous world of nineteenth century Indochina.

(Bangkok 1999, First English translation of 1901, 1906) ISBN 974-8434-76-1
774 pp., 234 illus., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.




: Vol. 2 of the Pavie Mission Indochina Papers

by Pavie, Auguste

US$ 35.00
Book order code : E
22 073


This volume provides an overview of exploration work done in Cambodia, Siam, Laos and Vietnam by means of maps produced by the explorers and numerous itineraries of staff members of the mission. The various French expeditions, carried out by a score of prominent researchers under the name Mission Pavie, not only compiled a wealth of new scientific and historical information and details on natural history they also drew up accurate maps for areas where no western mapping work had previously been undertaken-especially in disputed border areas between Laos, Siam, Cambodia, Yunnan and Vietnam. This atlas also contains a number of color plates, masterpieces of the art of the time, that were incorporated in various research reports of the mission. Short descriptions place these in the context of the work of the Pavie Mission as documented in the other volumes in this series. However, this Atlas should be used together with Volume 1 of the series: Auguste Pavie, Pavie Mission Exploration Work. Laos, Cambodia, Siam, Yunnan & Vietnam.

(Bangkok 1999, First English translation from 1903) ISBN 974-8434-75-3
206 pp., 35 pp. illus. in color, 81 pp. maps, 210 x 290 mm, pbk.




: Vol. 3 of the Pavie Mission Indochina Papers

by Pavie, Auguste

US$ 35.00
Book order code : E 22 114


This volume includes Auguste Pavie's reports on his work in Upper Laos to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, his vivid account of the destruction of Luang Prabang and parts of his diaries on the 1893 Paknam Gunboat Incident which was the pretext the French needed to detach the Laotian territories from Siam. An overview of exploration work and Pavie's political dealings with the Black Flag irregulars in respect to their submission and the turning over of suzerainty to France is given. The ultimate goal-making a link suitable for use by traders between Hanoi and Luang-Prabang as well as other trade outlets on the Mekong-is also docu-mented. Reports on Laos cover the areas inhabited by the Puan and various Thai, Meo, and Kha tribes as well as insights into the politics of local warlords and functionaries appointed by the various suzerains of these valleys which are today part of Burma, Laos, and Yunnan in southern China. Volume 2 of this series, Atlas of the Pavie Mission, contains maps accom-panying these explorations and plates documenting the gunboat battle at Paknam in 1893.

(Bangkok 1999, First English translation from 1911, 1919) ISBN 974-8434-82-6
774 pp., 111 illus., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.




: Introduction and Overview

by Schliesinger, Joachim

US$ 30.00
Book order code : E 22 346



Contains reports of early French encounters with ethnic groups as well as more recent studies by professional anthropologists and linguists. The development of national classifications of ethnic groups by the Lao government is presented tip to the latest census of 1995. All major ethnic groups are listed according to their languages. Finally, a short introduction to the history of the region as well as an overview about the environment, agricultural economy, customs and practices of the diverse ethnic composition is outlined. Their traditions and customs are portrayed by 169 color illustrations. The second volume, Ethnic Groups of Laos-Austro-Asiatic-Speaking Peoples, sketches each of the 41 Mon-Khmer-speaking groups, supported by 195 color illustrations. The third volume, Ethnic Groups of Laos-Austro-Thai-Speaking Peoples, represents each of the 39 Tai-speaking as well as the two Miao-Yao-speaking and the single Austronesian-speaking groups in Laos, with 210 color illustrations. The fourth volume, Ethnic Groups of Laos Sino-Tihetan-Speaking Peoples, deals with each of the 10 Tibeto-Burman-speaking peoples as well as one Sinitic-speaking group, clarified by 127 color pictures.

(Bangkok, 2003)ISBN 974-4800-32-1
205 pp., 48pp.illus. in color, 150 x 210 mm, pbk.




: Profile of Austro-Asiatic-Speaking Peoples

by Schliesinger, Joechim

US$ 30.00
Book order code :
E 22 347



Ethnic Groups of Laos-Profile of Austro-Asiatic-Speaking Peoples, outlines the 41 Mon-Khmer-speaking groups of Laos who belong to the Austro-Asiatic language family. This volume describes the history, costumes and crafts, design of houses and villages, agricultural economy, society and religious practices of each individual group. The text is supported by 195 color illustrations. The first volume, Ethnic Groups of Laos-Introduction and Overview contains reports of early French encounters with ethnic groups as well as more recent studies by professional anthropologists and linguists. The development of national classifications of ethnic groups by the Lao government is presented up to the latest census of 1995. All major ethnic groups are listed according to their languages. Finally, a short introduction to the history of the region, as well as an overview about the environment, agricultural economy and the customs and practices of the diverse ethnic composition is outlined. Their traditions and customs are portrayed by 169 color illustrations. The third volume, Ethnic Groups of Laos-Austro-Thai-Speaking Peoples, presents each of the 39 Tai-speaking, the two Miao-Yao-speaking and the single Aaustronesian-speaking groups in Laos, with 210 color illustrations. The Fourth volume, Ethnic Groups of Laos-Sino-Tibetan-Speaking Peoples, deals with each of the 10 Tibeto-Burman-speaking peoples as well as one Sinitic-Speaking group, clarified by 127 color pictures. It includes the main bibliography of the series.

(Bangkok, 2003) ISBN 974-4800-36-4
374 pp., 64 pp illus in color, 150 x210 mm, pbk.




Profile Profile of Austro-Thai-Speaking Peoples

by Schliesinger, Joachim

US$ 30.00
Book order code : E 22 348



Represents each of the 39 Tai-speaking as well as the two Miao-Yao-speaking and the single Austronesian-Speaking groups in Laos, with 210 color illustrations. History, costumes and crafts, design of houses and villages, agricultural economy, society and religious practices of each individual group are described. The first volume, Ethnic Groups of Laos Introduction and Overview contains reports of early French encounters with ethnic groups as well as more recent studies by professional anthropologists and linguists. The development of national classifications of ethnic groups by the Lao government is presented up to the latest census of 1995. All major ethnic groups are listed according to their languages. Finally, a short introduction to the history of the region as well as an overview about the environment, agricultural economy, customs and practices of the diverse ethnic composition is outlined. Their traditions and customs are portrayed by 169 color illustrations. The second volume, Ethnic Groups of Laos-Austro-Asiatic-Speaking Peoples, sketches each of the 41 Mon-Khmer-speaking groups, supported by 195 color illustrations. The fourth volume, Ethnic Groups of Laos-Sino-Tibetan-Speaking Peoples, deals with each of the 10 Tibeto-Burman-speaking as well as one Sinitic speaking groups, clarified by 127 color pictures. It includes the main bibliography of the series.

(Bangkok, 2003)ISBN 974-4800-37-2
484 pp., 160 pp. illus. in color, 150 x 210 mm, pbk.




: Sino-Tibetun-Speaking Peoples

by Schliesinger, Joachim

US$ 30.00
Book order code : E 22 349



This book deals with each of the 10 Tibeto-Burman-speaking as well as one Sinitic-speaking group, clarified by 127 color pictures. An ample bibliography is attached for further reading. The first volume. Ethnic Groups of Laos-Introduction and Overview con-tains reports of early French encounters with ethnic groups as well as more recent studies by professional anthropologists and linguists. The development of national classifications of ethnic groups by the Lao government is presented up to the latest census of 1995. All major ethnic groups are listed according to their languages. Finally, a short introduction to the history of the region as well as an overview about the environment, agricultural economy, customs and practices of the diverse ethnic composition is outlined. Their traditions and customs are portrayed by 169 color. The second volume, Ethnic Groups of Laos-Austro-~4siatic-Speaking Peoples, sketches each of the 41 Mon-Khmer-speaking groups, supported by 195 color illustrations. The third volume, Ethnic Groups of Laos Austro-Thai-Speaking Peoples, represents each of the 39 Tai-speaking as well as the two Miao-Yao-speaking and the single Austronesian-speaking groups in Laos, with 210 color illustrations.

(Bangkok, 2003) ISBN.974-4800-31-3
324 pp., 32 pp. illus. in color, 1 map, 150 x 210 mm, pbk.



: The Making of Modern Laos

(Studies in Southeast Asian History No. 2)

Reprint from 2002

by Stuart-Fox, Martin

US$ 17.50

Book order code : E 21815


This book examines the history and politics of modern Laos from its establishment as a French colony in the late 19th century to the communist state it is today. While the first three chapters outline the struggle between France and Thailand for control over the territory of the present Lao state, the period of French administration, and the Kingdom of Laos from 1946 to 1975, the focus primarily is on the Lao People’s Democratic Republic during the first two decades of its existence. Themes taken up include the leadership of the Lao revolutionary movement, why the regime failed to carry through its policy of agricultural co-operativization, and its close relationship with Vietnam. Special attention is given to the transition from Buddhist kingdom to Marxist state, how the Lao communist hierarchy has attempted to legitimize its seizure and exercise of power, and how the Buddhist monastic order was reduced to a pliant instrument of the new regime. Also assessed are the errors and achievements of the Lao revolution, the politics of patronage in present-day Laos, and the effectiveness of Lao foreign policy. The last two chapters weigh up the role of the ruling Lao People’s Revolutionary Party and look to the future of Laos in the rapidly integrating region of mainland Southeast Asia.

(Bangkok 1995) Bar Code 978-974-4800-23-7
437 pp., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.




: Rise and Decline

by Stuart-Fox, Martin

US$ 22.50
Book order code :
E 22 017



The book provides a narrative account of the great Lao kingdom that flourished in the middle Mekong region between the fourteenth and eighteenth centuries. After an introductory chapter on the prehistory of Laos and migration of the Tai-Lao peoples, the foundation of a unified Lao kingdom is examined in the context of contending powers in mainland Southeast Asia. Among the events described are the Vietnamese invasion of the fifteenth century and subsequent consolidation of the Lao kingdom, the Burmese invasions of the following century and the arrival in the early seventeenth century of the first Europeans to visit the Lao capital of Viang Chan (Vientiane). The author shows how the inland Lao kingdom was disadvantaged with respect to coastal trading states and how the unitary Lao kingdom broke into three contending principalities in the early eighteenth century. This opened the way for Siamese domination of the Lao world. The last Lao attempt to shake off Siamese hegemony by King Anuvong of Viang Chan in the Lao-Siamese war of 1827-28 is examined in some detail because of the significance of its impact on subsequent relations between the independent states of Laos and Thailand. The book ends with the French annexation of Lao territories east of the Mekong in 1893.

(Bangkok 1998) ISBN 974-8434-33-8
250 pp., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.




: An Antropologycal study of Road Construction and Rural Communities

by Trankell, Ing-Britt

US$ 14.50
Book order code :
I 6549


This study was carried out in 1991 and focuses on socio-economic issues in connection with a Swedish road construction program. It demonstrates that road building in many respects has adverse social and economic effects on the rural population of the area. The questions it raises as to the beneficial effects of development aid for the common population of subsistence farmers may be relevant for issues in development anthropology in general. The turbulent history of Laos from the Second World War to the Revolution of 1975 left the country with serious social, economic and technological problems, which the revolutionary government is still struggling to overcome. Swedish development aid to the Lao people's Democratic Republic began in 1977 with cooperation in the forestry sector, and in 1987 the road transport sector was included in the Swedish aid program.

(Bangkok 1999) ISBN 9874-8434-73-7
99 pp., illus., 165 x 240 mm, pbk.




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