Thailand online: Festivals in Thailand
In old Thailand, during the rainy season roads became rather impassable. Traveling became difficult and troublesome. So unlike the rest of the year when monks are free to travel, they traditionally have to spend this season (the vassa) in one place, usually a temple - even today. They are expected to use these three months for intense practicing, i. e. meditation and Buddhist studies.
When in November rain stops falling, the Tot Katin ceremony will conclude this retreat. 'Tot Katin' means 'offering robes': lay people come to the temple and offer new robes - a meritorious deed. And the monk that showed most diligence and effort during his vassa will even be awarded a special robe.
And - as usual with any festival - Tot Katin is a most welcome opportunity for meeting, having fun and eating together. Every temple can choose its own date for Tot Katin during a one month period depending on the lunar calendar. Usually this is in November. |
autor für text und bild: 'mdesign int'l media jörg dittmar' |
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